Client Reviews

Private Coaching Client
"I know I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without Jo's help. She has given me the power to help myself for the long run rather than a quick fix. Jo has helped me to change my opinion of myself and showed me just how much easier things can be by having even a little bit of self confidence with the right support. I still have a long way to go but these steps are helping massively to get me where I want to be."I know I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without Jo's help. She has given me the power to help myself for the long run rather than a quick fix. Jo has helped me to change my opinion of myself and showed me just how much easier things can be by having even a little bit of self confidence with the right support. I still have a long way to go but these steps are helping massively to get me where I want to be.I highly recommend Jo to anyone wanting help in their lives with anything. Jo is not only patient and kind but the loveliest person you'll meet and she will help you be the best version of yourself."

Private Coaching Client
"I've come such a long way in a short space of time. Although I have a long way to go, I'm improving every day and Jo has helped me start to get my life back. It has been such an honour to work with one of the funniest, most caring and beautiful humans inside and out and I highly recommend anyone who's thinking about taking the dive to do it. Honestly, I can't imagine my life without her."

Private Coaching Client
"When I started working with Jo I was in a pretty poor and negative head space and was easily irritated. I was letting negative thought cycles control me and ruin my day.
After 6 months I have my drive back to succeed and achieve my goals. I'm rarely in 'bad' moods now and if I am they don't affect me for long periods of time like they used to. Overall I'd say I'm more positive about things. If you're thinking about it give it a try, it worked for me where others things haven't!"

Resilience & Renewal Client
"It's always worth investing in yourself! I wasn't sure what life coaching would do for someone at my stage of life (retired), I'd always imagined it was something for younger people forging their careers. It's not, it's about helping you to better understand yourself, why some things might feel difficult or challenging, and what you could do about it."It's always worth investing in yourself! I wasn't sure what life coaching would do for someone at my stage of life (retired), I'd always imagined it was something for younger people forging their careers. It's not, it's about helping you to better understand yourself, why some things might feel difficult or challenging, and what you could do about it.It's not about easy answers, or immediate solutions, you need to be prepared to reflect and consider, and to make small changes that lead on to new ways of seeing/doing, all of which contributes to the overall aims you will have set at the beginning.I genuinely feel like my old self again, but with a new outlook on my life. A happier, and more positive one so thank you Jo!"