I'm so glad you're here

One of the best decisions you could make is to take time to work on your confidence, self-belief and resilience so that you, and your loved ones can live an awesome, happier and more fulfilling life.

I am so glad you're here and have chosen me to be the person to support you on this awesome journey! Let me introduce myself...

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Hi, I'm Jo

I am an experienced Music Therapist and qualified Transformative Coach. I have over 20 years experience working in schools; 13 years psychotherapy experience as a therapist and more recently as a mental health and personal development coach. 

As a transformational life coach, my primary role is to guide and support individuals on their journey towards self-improvement, fulfilment, and achieving their personal and professional goals. I work closely with my clients to help them gain clarity, develop self-awareness, and make positive changes in various areas of their lives.

My story

 I was that child. The child that suffered with low self confidence and self worth. It affected me throughout my teens into my adult years and it took a lot of support and hard work to overcome my hurdles to create a life I love and feel so happy living.

I trained as a Music Therapist and specialised my work in child mental health and development. I later achieved my diploma in Transformative Coaching in 2021 and use all my skills combined to do all important personal development work with children, teens and adults. 

Over the years working in different establishments, I have been deeply saddened by the lack of support available for those who don’t meet the criteria for help, or aren’t placed in the “in desperate need” box. Any child, teen or adult suffering from anxiety, overwhelm, low self-worth or confidence…is worthy of my support and I am here ready to give it in abundance!

Why I do what I do

My passion is to encourage anyone in need to feel the confidence, self assurance and happiness they deserve, and to build the resilience and inner strength needed to cope with unfamiliar and sometimes scary situations. 

I remember what it felt like to struggle everyday with low self worth and confidence. But I also know, hand on heart, that there are many things we can do for ourselves to alleviate our suffering and become stronger and more resilient. 

My values

Everyone is uniquely awesome!

There is only one you, and that is your superpower! Discovering your 'awesome' is a great way to uncover and express who you really want to be deep down.

I firmly believe that creating joy in our lives is paramount to developing self-love, self-worth, belief, trust, respect, and compassion towards ourselves and others. Through my own journey I learned that recognising and embracing self growth and development helps us to cultivate a positive, more joyful mindset and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

And so through my passionate guidance, I strive to inspire individuals to discover and nurture their unique awesomeness, enabling them to unlock their true potential, build unbreakable self-love, foster resilient self-worth, trust their intuition, respect their boundaries, and extend compassion not only to themselves but to those around them.

I believe that every person deserves to feel confident, strong and happy in their own skin, and deserves to possess the tools necessary to navigate the emotional waters life takes us through no matter what age or stage of life we're in. 

My qualifications


I am deeply passionate about continuous personal and professional development. I graduated in 2011 with an Msc in Music Therapy at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. I specialised working in mainstream educational settings with children who experienced emotional and behavioural difficulties, as well as various different settings with children and adults with learning and cognitive difficulties.

After experiencing the transformative effects of life coaching firsthand, I made the decision to change direction and study as a Transformative Coach, qualifying with my Diploma from Animas in 2021. 

I am registered and up-to-date with the PVG (Protective Vulnerable Groups) scheme for Disclosure Scotland, and I am committed to continuously developing and updating my knowledge to best serve the people who choose to work with me, putting their trust in me as their coach.


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